Germany’s biggest online stores

Top 3 online marketplaces in Germany

Amazon, eBay, and Otto still dominate the German marketplace field – Amazon generated GMV of €46bn in 2021


Marketplaces in Germany – Germany’s biggest online stores are, and This is what the newly released in-depth study “E-Commerce Markt Deutschland 2022”, published by eCommerceDB and Statista, reveals.

Compared to last year’s ranking, there have been some changes among the top 10 most successful first-party B2C online stores. Some have lost ground, while others climbed up in the ranking.

But first-party sellers are only one part of the German eCommerce spectrum. Online marketplaces, which build a platform for third-party sellers, are another fundamental part.

Who are the most important players in Germany in this field? Catch a glimpse of the brand-new study results:

Germany’s three biggest online marketplaces by total GMV are three well-known generalists:,, and – these are the results of the second in-depth online marketplace analysis conducted by eCommerceDB and EHI Retail Institute in the course of their “E-Commerce Markt Deutschland” study series. eCommerceDB and EHI Retail Institute analyzed annual reports, company surveys, and other sources to determine the total gross merchandise volume (GMV)1 generated by Germany’s 10 biggest online marketplaces. Following the analysis, Amazon generated a total GMV of €46.2 billion in Germany in 2021, which makes it the biggest online marketplace. Ranks 2 and 3, eBay and Otto, are quite far off in comparison, generating a total 2021 GMV of €10.5 billion and €7.0 billion, respectively.

You need more details about the KPIs analyzed in the course of the study or you are curious about who is in rank 4? Check out the newly released study “E-Commmerce Markt Deutschland 2022” to find out!

For the 14th year in a row, eCommerceDB and EHI Retail Institute have identified the leading first-party B2C online stores and hybrid marketplaces in Germany. The results of the in-depth KPI analysis have been published in this year’s edition of the joint eCommerceDB and EHI study “E-Commerce Markt Deutschland 2022” (eCommerce Market Germany 2022). In addition to the well-established first party ranking – and after the great success in 2021 – the current edition again includes a marketplace section, based on a detailed analysis of the 10 biggest online marketplace players by total GMV. “E-Commerce Markt Deutschland 2022” by eCommerceDB and EHI Retail Institute is the perfect starting point for your market research, strategy planning, or competitive analysis.

Find a well-prepared summary with all the details described in this article, depicted and described in an easy-to-assess way in our new video on the top 3 marketplaces!

1: GMV is the sum of sales or transaction volume generated via an online marketplace by first and third-party sellers, including VAT, shipping costs, commissions, and service fees.

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