Esmé Bianco has alleged Marilyn Manson

Game of Thrones actor Esmé Bianco sues Marilyn Manson alleging sexual abuse

Game of Thrones actor Esmé Bianco sued Marilyn Manson on Friday, alleging sexual, physical and emotional abuse.


In the lawsuit filed in federal court in Los Angeles, Bianco says that Manson violated human trafficking law by bringing her to California from England under the false pretenses of roles in music videos and movies that never materialised.

“Mr. Warner used drugs, force, and threats of force to coerce sexual acts from Ms.Bianco on multiple occasions,” states the detailed complaint filed in federal court in California by the actress who was involved with Manson AKA Brian Warner from 2009 to around 2013. “Mr. Warner raped Ms. Bianco in or around May 2011,’ the jury trial seeking filing adds

“Ms. Bianco was well aware of the violence Mr. Warner could dole out if she fought back, having been on the receiving end of his temper many times,” continues the 10-page document from attorney Jay D. Ellwanger on behalf of the British-born Bianco. “He also supplied drugs to Ms. Bianco and deprived her of sleep and food in order to weaken her physically and mentally and decrease her ability to refuse him. Mr. Warner committed sexual acts with Ms. Bianco when she was unconscious or otherwise unable to consent.”

Marilyn Manson has responded to a lawsuit filed by Game of Thrones actress Esmé Bianco today accusing the shock rocker of sexual assault and sexual battery.

Manson — whose real name is Brian Warner — spoke through an attorney, Howard E. King, who said the allegations have no merit.

“These claims are provably false,” King said in a statement. “To be clear, this suit was only filed after my client refused to be shaken down by Ms. Bianco and her lawyer and give in to their outrageous financial demands based on conduct that simply never occurred. We will vigorously contest these allegations in court and are confident that we will prevail.”

An email seeking comment from an attorney who has previously represented Manson was not immediately returned. Manson said earlier this year that all of his intimate relationships have been entirely consensual.

The lawsuit alleges that in 2009, Marilyn Manson, flew Bianco to Los Angeles to shoot a video for the song, “I want to kill you like they do in the movies.”

The suit says that Bianco was expected to stay at Manson’s home instead of the hotel where she had been booked, and there was no crew, only Manson himself shooting with a phone.

The complaint also names Manson’s ex-manager as a defendant.

“It took Ms. Bianco years to understand the extent of Mr. Warner’s physical, sexual,
psychological, and emotional abuse,” today’s filing says. “Her career suffered due to the deterioration of her mental health caused by Mr. Warner. She deals with complex Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, anxiety, depression, and panic attacks to this day as a result.”

Magicians alum Bianco has been a major proponent along with another ex of Manson’s, Evan Rachel Wood, of California’s Phoenix Act, which extended the Golden State’s statute of limitations on domestic violence by five years. The Phoenix Act became law last year.

Manson was dropped by CAA, his label and roles in Starz’s American Gods and Shudder’s Creepshow in early February after Wood detailed her own wretched experiences with the “Beautiful People” singer. Taking to social media at the time, Wood wrote that the now 52-year old Manson “horrifically” abused her when they were together. The Westworld actress and anti-domestic violence activist also stated that Manson was systematically “grooming” her when she was still a teenager. “I was brainwashed and manipulated into submission,” revealed Wood. “I am done living in fear of retaliation, slander or blackmail.”

Manson, at the time, denied the allegations.

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