Trump - Page 3

437 result(s) found.

Senate Acquits Trump in His Second Impeachment Trial


The U.S. Senate on Saturday acquitted former President Donald Trump of inciting insurrection at the U.S. Capitol last month after he urged hundreds of his supporters to confront lawmakers as they were certifying that he had lost last November’s election to Democrat Joe Biden.


Trump’s Historic Second Impeachment Trial Starts Tuesday


The historic second impeachment trial of former President Donald Trump starts Tuesday in the U.S. Senate, with Trump accused of inciting insurrection a month ago by urging his supporters to confront lawmakers at the U.S. Capitol as they were certifying that Democrat Joe Biden had defeated Trump in the 2020 election.


Biden-won counties are home to 67 million more Americans than Trump-won counties


Joe Biden is stepping into his role as the nation’s 46th president with a contentious political environment and a deeply divided electorate. Some of Biden’s detractors point to his razor-thin wins over Donald Trump in several battleground states as evidence that his November victory was far from dominant, despite the fact that Biden won the


Trump Voters Divided on Future of Republican Party


President Donald Trump’s departure from the White House January 20 – four years after he wrestled control of the Republican Party – puts the party at a crossroads over its future leadership and direction, with the continued loyalty of tens of millions of ardent Trump supporters an open question.


US Spending Bill Awaits Trump’s Decision


U.S. President Donald Trump is spending the holiday weekend at his Florida resort as both Democrats and Republicans wait to see whether he will sign a critical pandemic relief and government funding package that he sharply criticized earlier this week.

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