Melania Trump

Melania Trump, Jim Carroll: Partnering to Help America’s Children Live Their Drug-Free Lives

As the first lady of the United States and the primary drug adviser to the president, we reinforce our commitment to ensuring the American people and our youth can live in strong, safe, and healthy communities that are drug-free.


The Office of National Drug Control Policy (ONDCP) and the first lady’s Be Best campaign have partnered to prevent youth substance use and raise awareness about the consequences of illicit drug use.

We stand firm in our belief that the most effective ways to protect our children and communities from drugs are by focusing on primary prevention—preventing drug use before it begins—educating individuals about their risks, and stopping drugs from entering our communities.

In September, President Trump announced $42.5 million in phase-one funding for the DFC program, and he’ll follow up with another funding announcement to close out Prevention Month.

The results of the DFC program underscore the importance of community-based efforts to prevent youth substance use. In fact, 73% of DFC-funded coalitions identify community involvement as a top protective factor with respect to substance use.

We need to renew our sense of community, regardless of whether it occurs in a safe in-person environment or virtually.

Throughout October, we have highlighted a number of the DFC coalitions and youth leaders across the country for their innovative work to prevent youth substance use and to help their peers #BeDrugFree. These youth leaders provide our nation with hope for a more drug-free future and we are honored to recognize them.

As we commemorate National Substance Abuse Prevention Month, we also honor the courageous women and men in law enforcement who combat the flow of illegal drugs into our communities.

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