ADB Partners with BMJ on New COVID-19 Guidelines for Health Workers - American Stock News

Health Workers

ADB Partners with BMJ on New COVID-19 Guidelines for Health Workers

The Asian Development Bank (ADB) has partnered with leading healthcare knowledge provider, the BMJ, to launch a new online coronavirus disease (COVID-19) Information Centre for healthcare professionals tackling the pandemic.


MANILA, PHILIPPINES (10 November 2020) — The website provides nurses, doctors, and other healthcare professionals in ADB’s 49 member countries in Asia and the Pacific with free, readily available, and convenient access to the latest evidence-based guidelines and tools for the diagnosis, management, and prevention of COVID-19. This includes relevant clinical decision support resources from BMJ Best Practice, e-learning modules from BMJ Learning, procedural videos, and patient information leaflets on COVID-19. The COVID-19 Information Centre is available in English, Mandarin, and Russian and can be accessed here:

“There is a pressing need to provide evidence-based information to patients, carers, and the general public to dispel the myths and misinformation about the pandemic,” said ADB’s Health Sector Group Chief Dr. Patrick Osewe. “We are delighted to partner with BMJ on this vital initiative.”

“The scientific evidence on COVID-19 is changing rapidly and healthcare professionals are finding it challenging to keep up with the latest guidance in a sea of information and misinformation,” said BMJ Director of Global Health Mitali Wroczynski. “With face-to-face training currently unrealistic, and further waves of infection expected, there is an urgent need for simple, clear, interactive online training and support that is easy to access.”

ADB is committed to achieving a prosperous, inclusive, resilient, and sustainable Asia and the Pacific, while sustaining its efforts to eradicate extreme poverty. Established in 1966, it is owned by 68 members—49 from the region.

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