Weleda’s ‘Save Earth's Skin’ Movement Spreads in Georgia - American Stock News


Weleda’s ‘Save Earth’s Skin’ Movement Spreads in Georgia


Global manufacturer of beauty products and naturopathic medicines Weleda has launched the ‘Save Earth’s Skin’ movement globally, with a number of activities planned in Georgia, where the German brand has been represented by the Georgian company Naturapharm for 25 years.

“It’s now 25 years since Naturapharm became an authorized partner of Weleda. Throughout this time we have been actively involved in popularizing the vision of this brand and in the distribution of products not only to protect our customers’ skin, but also to protect nature.

“This year we will join Weleda’s campaign “Save the Earth’s Skin”, and are planning lectures and promotions to that end. We are also going to publish articles through our website and publish an anniversary magazine dedicated to this topic”, said Natia Chincharauli, CEO of Naturapharm.

Weleda’s Save Earth’s Skin mission is all about treating soil without harsh chemicals and in a way that exhibits care.

Weleda says that soil, just like our skin, is a living, breathing ecosystem.

“It is the living skin of our earth. But, a third of the earth’s soil is degraded, threatening animal and plant habitats and increasing greenhouse gas emissions. For over a century, Weleda has been growing the plants used to make our iconic products using soil-friendly methods. We keep soil healthy and make it as biodiverse as possible by working with biodynamic farming principles and collaborating with regenerative farming projects around the world. Our commitment to soil is at the heart of all our ingredient sourcing because it is key to thriving ecosystems. Without healthy soils, we cannot tackle the crisis facing nature today”, says Weleda.

She added that Weleda has received its certification as a B Corporation.

“By 2020, B Corp had protected 200,000 hectares of land worldwide, compensated for 16 million tonnes of carbon and saved 225 million liters of water. Under its ‘1% program’, Weleda is investing in fighting climate change, improving soil health and protecting biodiversity”, Chincharauli added.

During the 25 years that Weleda has been on the Georgian market, the company has introduced not only the quality products but also contributed to raising awareness about the bio, natural skincare products which year after year have grown in demand in Georgia.

Q. What new products has Weleda introduced to Georgian customers recently?

A. Wearing masks because of the coronavirus pandemic has had both positive and negative consequences. Facial skin became dry and sensitive. To deal with this problem, Weleda has created a completely new cactus moisturizing line: spray, eye gel and facial gel. It has been available in Georgia since last year and is already popular.

In addition, the packaging of body lotions has been updated, and their name and design have been changed. A whole new formula of body lotion for sensitive skin has returned to the market.

In the near future it is planned to introduce body shower soaps and enlarge our mother & baby line with new products.

Q. How many products does Weleda offer in Georgia and which of them are the most in demand?

A. We offer approximately 200 Weleda cosmetics and complementary products to Georgian consumers. Each of our products has its very loyal customers. But we can distinguish the mother & baby line, which is especially popular in Georgia.

Calendula diaper change cream, Calendula shampoo and shower gel, Calendula kids toothpaste, and Calendula bath tincture are very popular. Also, anti-stretch mark and anti-cellulite oils are in great demand.

There was almost no demand for quality bio and natural products in the nineties in Georgia, and growth here was facilitated by several factors: our educational work, both with professional groups and directly with the consumer, the opening of borders and gaining experience in Europe or America. In general customers have also become more aware of bio products, and their recommendations also played an important role.

Q. What is the market share of Weleda in Georgia?

A. A few months ago we conducted a survey to determine market share, positioning and popularity of similar companies and to identify the wishes and requirements of our customers. The results of the survey showed that 51% of respondents are Weleda customers. As for childcare, 40% of respondents indicated that they prefer Weleda products.

Research has also shown that 100% of Weleda consumers recommend this brand and our products to their loved ones, which is the best indicator of customer loyalty.

Q. Weleda has once again received the Golden Brand award in Georgia for its healthy skincare solutions for children which include face and body creams, non-perfumed oil, milk, diaper care cream, shampoos, soap, toothpaste, belly oil, atopic skincare, sun protection and lip balms. What has led to this success, in your opinion?

A. The Calendula Baby Care Line has become Weleda’s ‘image card’. 70% of midwives in Germany recommend Weleda Child Care Line and in this category it holds the position number one brand.

The effectiveness of this product lies in the formula, which does not contain synthetic additives or petroleum products, is environmentally friendly, easily absorbed and has a pleasant texture.

Calendula is not randomly selected as the leading plant in the infant and child care line. Its healing properties are directly related to the requirements of newborn skin. Its ingredients reduce inflammatory processes, promote the formation of new tissues, and protect the skin from harmful external influences. With its help, the skin is properly formed and acquires a healthy protective membrane. In addition, calendula does not contain allergens or sesquiterpene lactones and therefore can be used on allergic children. According to a German study, only one in 1,023 infants had a minor allergic reaction to calendula ointment.

For the third year in a row Weleda is the winner of the Golden Brand, which indicates that public awareness has increased and bio and natural products have become desirable. In this category we can confidently say that Weleda is a leader worldwide.

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