With the INTELLIGENT PARK PILOT, the "Valet Guys" stage a pioneering S-Class vehicle technology - American Stock News


With the INTELLIGENT PARK PILOT, the “Valet Guys” stage a pioneering S-Class vehicle technology

The new Mercedes-Benz film on social media channels


Concept and objective

  • The new Mercedes-Benz film, “Valet Guys”, provides a look ahead into the innovative INTELLIGENT PARK PILOT. The pre-installation for the INTELLIGENT PARK PILOT, included in an add-on option, makes the S-Class ready for Automated Valet Parking (AVP, SAE Level 4). In concert with the required option and corresponding Connect service (depending on the country), the new S-Class has the technology on board to pull in and out of parking spaces in parking garages equipped with AVP infrastructure, provided national laws permit such operations.
  • The new S-Class is the world’s first series-produced vehicle to feature the technology required for future infrastructure-based AVP operation. This means the S-Class is prepared to drive driverlessly to a reserved parking space in the future via smartphone command.
  • At the pilot P6 parking garage at the Stuttgart airport, Mercedes-Benz is currently testing the interaction of S-Class vehicle technology with the intelligent infrastructure from Bosch and the digital “Flow” platform from the parking operator Apcoa. Thanks to this platform, the parking process works completely without a ticket or cash.
  • “Valet Guys” is already the second film to spotlight an innovative safety feature of the new S-Class in a cinematic way. Last year, the film “Blowfish” broached the subject of the first frontal airbag for rear passengers. 

“With stories like ‘Valet Guys’ or ‘Blowfish’, we explain new, pioneering vehicle technologies in an entertaining and creative way. We deliberately exaggerated the innovative highlights of our products and thus aim to inspire enthusiasm for the Mercedes-Benz brand in surprising and emotional ways”, says Bettina Fetzer, Vice President Marketing at Mercedes-Benz AG. 


  • The film shows, in a tongue-in-cheek and deliberately exaggerated way, the daily challenges of three valet guys in dealing with vehicles they are supposed to bring to the parking garage.
    Precision parking is one of the “easier” exercises in this context. With a short nap in the vehicle or a spontaneous dance party on the parking deck, they increase their joy and escape from the dreary everyday working life. Even more adrenaline flows as the result of a joyride, which ends with a daring jump on the run from police. After the Valet Guys had their fun, they are no little surprised when the voice-over says: “Sorry guys, these times might be over soon!“ This is followed by a brief look ahead to the INTELLIGENT PARK PILOT. 

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