Afghanistan - Page 17

182 result(s) found.

Pakistan Charges India Is Planning Cross-border Military Attack


ISLAMABAD, PAKISTAN – Pakistan charged Friday that its archrival India was plotting to stage a cross-border military assault against the Islamic nation, warning such an attempt would destabilize the region with “catastrophic consequences.” Foreign Minister Shah Mehmood Qureshi cited “credible intelligence information” Islamabad had “picked up,” saying it had been shared with “important world capitals.” He did


ADB President Urges CAREC Countries to Boost Regional Cooperation and Embrace Digitalization to Strengthen COVID-19 Recovery


More rapid digitalization and leveraging the private sector can support the recovery from the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) pandemic, accelerate regional cooperation, drive innovation, and help countries adapt to new and evolving forms of globalization, participants at the 19th Central Asia Regional Economic Cooperation (CAREC) Ministerial Conference heard today.
