Army - Page 20

204 result(s) found.

US special forces rescue abducted American in Nigeria. Statement From the President Trump On Last Night’s Hostage Rescue


Last night, at my direction, the United States military conducted a successful operation to rescue an American hostage in Nigeria, kidnapped just 96 hours earlier. United States Special Forces executed a daring nighttime operation to rescue their fellow American with exceptional skill, precision, and bravery. No United States Service Members were harmed. The former hostage


Kosovo: Show solidarity in face of COVID, UN Mission chief urges


“For places such as Kosovo, still suffering the consequences of past conflict, cooperation, unity of political voice and vision, dialogue and preventing extreme polarization should be the highest order priorities”, Zahir Tanin, head of the United Nations Interim Administration Mission in Kosovo (UNMIK), told the 15-member organ. Difficult balance Such solidarity, especially during the current
