congress - Page 5

312 result(s) found.

Violent crime is a key midterm voting issue, but what does the data say?


Political candidates around the United States have released thousands of ads focusing on violent crime this year, and most registered voters see the issue as very important in the Nov. 8 midterm elections. But official statistics from the federal government paint a complicated picture when it comes to recent changes in the U.S. violent crime rate.


Chinese Premier Li Keqiang dropped in leadership shuffle


Chinese Premier Li Keqiang, the nation's No. 2 official and a chief proponent of economic reforms, is among four of the seven members of the nation's all-powerful Politburo Standing Committee who will not be reappointed in a leadership shuffle Sunday


OPEC to Cut Oil Production in Boost for Russia, Rebuke to Biden


The Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC), along with Russia and other oil producers, announced on Wednesday that they would cut production targets by 2 million barrels a day, an action that could help Moscow pay for its war with Ukraine and hurt U.S. President Joe Biden’s chances to further cut gasoline prices for American

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