Tuula Yrjölä Archives - American Stock News

Tuula Yrjölä

OSCE Security Days: States need to revive the ‘spirit’ of 1990 Paris Summit in addressing today’s distrust and tensions in European security


Ahead of the 30th anniversary of the Charter of Paris for a New Europe, opening speakers of an online OSCE Security Days event commemorating this historic document called on States to revive the spirit of the 1990 Paris Summit in overcoming today’s challenges, distrust and heightened tensions in European security. “The era of confrontation and division


OSCE conference highlights importance of enhanced strategic partnerships in fight against organized crime


How to address organized crime through strategic partnerships among law enforcement agencies, national institutions, civil society organizations and the private sector, was the focus of an OSCE conference held in Vienna and online today. Over 250 representatives of government institutions from the OSCE participating States, the OSCE's Partners for Co-operation, and experts from academia, civil
