delivery drivers for Amazon

6 incredible acts of heroism and kindness by delivery drivers for Amazon


Introducing Brianna, Edie, Francisco, Jack, Ladaysa, and Claudiu—a few of the drivers for Amazon who went above and beyond to help those in need.

We’ve heard countless stories about delivery drivers who make Amazon customers’ lives better—and sometimes, they even play the role of an unexpected hero.

Throughout the month of December, our customers have shown appreciation for their delivery drivers through the ‘Alexa, thank my driver’ program, and we look forward to announcing the most-thanked drivers in the near future. In the meantime, we’re recognizing a few of the courageous and compassionate driver heroes who stepped up for their customers and communities.


Blauvelt, New York

Brianna smiles and stands in between two colleagues and holds up two bags in front of a delivery vehicle.

Brianna, who has worked as a driver for Amazon for a year and a half, said she loves her job because it allows her to be physically active. “I could never work a desk job,” she said. She is also training to be a police officer like her father and has always felt a calling to serve her community and help those in-need.

That’s exactly what happened recently when Brianna had almost completed her route. With one package left to deliver, she noticed smoke and a strange smell coming from a nearby house. She thought it was a backyard bonfire, but she decided to check just in case. “The entire back of the house was on fire,” she said.

Brianna sprung into action, ringing the doorbell and banging on the front door of the home. A woman answered the door. “She had no idea her house was on fire,” Brianna said. Brianna helped get the woman and her husband out of the house and ran inside to rescue their niece’s cat, who they were pet-sitting. Once everyone was safe, Brianna called 911 and waited until help arrived. The homeowners credit Brianna with saving their lives.


Las Vegas, Nevada

Edie smiles with a small dog on her lap as they sit in a vehicle.

Edie, who became an Amazon Flex driver because of the flexible working hours, was making an early-morning delivery when she walked up to a house and heard tiny footsteps beside her. “It was a quiet morning, so I immediately noticed,” she said.

She looked down and saw a small, friendly Yorkshire Terrier who seemed scared and lost. Edie rang the doorbell of the home she was delivering to, in case the adorable pup belonged to them. “When no one answered, I knew I had to take care of him because it was so chilly outside,” Edie said.

You’ve probably heard of package delivery by moped, robot, or bicycle, but what about a delivery on skis?

The dog had a canine ID tag with his name, Yoshi, and owner contact information. Edie called the owners but couldn’t get in touch, so Yoshi assumed the role of Edie’s sidekick for much of the day’s route. “I turned up the heat, gave him some water, and he rode around with me. He was just so cute,” Edie said.

Edie was happy when she got a call from Yoshi’s owners a few hours later. While she was sad to see him go, Edie was able to reunite him with his human family, who were extremely grateful for her kindness and care in their absence.


Olathe, Kansas

Francisco wears an Amazon smile beanie and smiles as he sits in a delivery vehicle.

Francisco, a driver for Amazon in and around Kansas City, Kansas, was walking up to a home to make a delivery when he noticed a woman in the front yard crying. He asked her if she was OK.

The woman explained that her father died the day before, after a years-long battle with cancer. The package that Francisco was delivering was the last order her dad ever placed—and she was overcome with emotion.

The woman was preparing to speak with a hospice chaplain when Francisco arrived and told her he could empathize with her grief, having lost his own father in 2021. The two cried and prayed together. The woman and Francisco agreed that their meeting seemed like fate. “There’s a purpose in everything,” Francisco said.


Minooka, Illinois

Jack wears blue Amazon safety vest and stands in a garage smiling with a chicken on his shoulder.

It was a seemingly ordinary day at work for Jack, who loves working as a driver for Amazon because it keeps him physically fit. He was driving a new route and noticed that his next customer had Amazon Key, which allows drivers to make convenient and secure in-garage deliveries. But as soon as Jack used his scanning device to open the garage, his day became anything but ordinary.

A chicken came running out of the customer’s garage. Jack noticed a cage inside the garage and assumed the chicken must belong to the homeowners. He did his best to get the chicken back where she belonged. After a few failed attempts, Jack was finally able to run out of the garage and close the door behind him, so the chicken, who he later found out was named Fancy, couldn’t escape.

The customers captured the heroic act on their Ring camera. A few weeks later, they were able to thank Jack in person when he was making deliveries in the area. “They were so grateful, and I learned that the reason Fancy was in the garage in the first place was because she was recovering from an injury,” Jack said. “I’m so happy I was able to help.”


Houston, Texas

Ladaysa takes a selfie and wears a white T-Shirt with cursive writing on it.

Ladaysa was in the middle of her Tuesday afternoon route when she heard a loud noise. She then saw a nearby home’s garage was on fire. She immediately called 911 to report the fire and rushed to ring the doorbell of the home. “I had to make sure no one was inside,” she said.

What happens after you hit “place your order”? Follow along on our special journey of an Amazon package and discover how your orders get to you.

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When no one answered the door, Ladaysa ran to the neighbor’s house. Luckily, the neighbors had contact information for the homeowners, who were able to confirm there were no people or pets in danger. Ladaysa stayed on-site until local police and firefighters arrived.

“One of the reasons I like this job is because of the connections I make with customers, and I’m so happy I could help someone else,” Ladaysa said. “I’m just so glad everyone is OK.”


Peterborough, UK

Claudiu wears an orange safety vest and rests his elbow on the hood of a white delivery vehicle.

Claudiu was delivering packages to customers one afternoon when he noticed a group of ducklings in distress. The ducklings were stuck in a drain on the side of the street, and Claudiu knew he had to get them to safety.

He realized something was wrong when he saw an adult duck waddling around the top of the drain frantically. When he walked over, he saw eight ducklings trapped more than a foot below in a pool of water, and realized the anxious duck must be their mother.

Without hesitation, Claudiu rolled up his sleeves, knelt down, took off the drain cover, and lifted each one of the adorable ducklings out, reuniting each and every one with their mother. The best part of all? Claudiu captured the whole thing on video.

Thank you, delivery drivers

As we always say, not all heroes wear capes—some wear Amazon delivery vests. Thank you to the drivers above and all of our delivery partners for delivering for customers all year long.

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