
ADB’s Net Allocable Income Reaches $1.13 Billion

The Board of Governors of the Asian Development Bank (ADB) today approved the bank’s annual financial statements.


MANILA, PHILIPPINES (5 May 2021) — It also adopted a resolution to allocate $1.13 billion in net allocable income from 2020 ordinary capital resources, the highest in ADB’s history.  

The 2020 net allocable income is $62.5 million higher than in 2019, largely led by an increase in income from equity investments and sovereign lending operations.  

ADB’s ordinary reserve will be allocated $734.3 million to support the bank’s capital adequacy and provide an earnings base to generate net income. The Asian Development Fund, which provides grants to ADB’s low-income developing member countries (DMCs), will receive $292.4 million. 

The Technical Assistance Special Fund, which provides a stable and predictable funding source for ADB’s technical assistance, will receive $90 million.  

The Asia Pacific Disaster Response Fund, which provides assistance to DMCs for life-saving purposes in the immediate aftermath of major disasters triggered by natural hazards, will receive $15 million.  

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