
Nestlé joins industry movement for more sustainable food systems in Europe

Nestlé today joined more than 50 other companies and industry bodies in supporting a European initiative to make food more sustainable.


The EU Code of Conduct for Responsible Business and Marketing Practices sets out actions that food producers, food service, retailers and others can take to make healthy and sustainable food choices easier.

Nestlé is contributing with a wide-ranging set of 23 commitments (pdf, 400 Kb) to reduce the environmental footprint of products while contributing to healthy and nutritious diets. The company will add more nutritious products to its portfolio and roll out the Nutri-Score nutrition labelling system across Europe, where stakeholders are supportive. On the environmental side, actions include support for regenerative agriculture as well as a shift to 100% renewable energy and zero emission logistics.

Achieving many of these goals will require a full supply chain approach, working closely with farmers and other companies to make a positive impact on communities and the environment. An enabling policy environment at European level can help and the EU Code of Conduct is a unique opportunity for the European food and drink industry to lead the way.

The EU Code of Conduct is a key deliverable of the EU Farm to Fork Strategy and Nestlé is fully committed to deliver on its contribution. The company will continue to share its know-how and provide resources at local level to support the transition to more sustainable food systems in Europe and beyond.

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