
Nestlé welcomes Stuart Orr, WWF’s Global Freshwater Lead, to its CSV Council

Nestlé is pleased to welcome Stuart Orr, WWF's Global Freshwater Lead, to its Creating Shared Value Council.


The Creating Shared Value (CSV) Council is an external advisory group which was formed in 2009. The Council meets annually with the Executive Board. It helps ensure the sound development of long-term sustainability and positive social and economic impact of the CSV approach to business.

Mark Schneider, Nestlé CEO said “The CSV Council continues to provide us insights and guidance on our sustainability journey. Water is an important focus area for us, so we are especially pleased to have Stuart’s expertise in water stewardship and management on the Council.”

Nestlé takes an integrated approach to environmental sustainability. Across the company, it will continue to drive systemic change in water use in its own operations and in the agricultural supply chain by strengthening partnerships with suppliers, industry peers, governments, academia, scientists and sustainability organizations.

Chaired by Janet Voûte, the Nestlé Creating Shared Value Council is comprised of nine external members, whose expertise spans corporate social responsibility, strategy, sustainability, nutrition, water and rural development. Council members also form the judging panel for the Nestlé CSV Prize.

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