Global Economy - Page 28

The latest Economy News from the American Stock News: breaking news on the global economy and international investments

Commission disburses €17 billion under SURE to Italy, Spain and Poland


The European Commission has disbursed a total of €17 billion to Italy, Spain and Poland in the first instalment of financial support to Member States under the SURE instrument. As part of today's operations, Italy has received €10 billion, Spain €6 billion, and Poland €1 billion. Once all SURE disbursements have been completed, Italy will


A greener, fairer, and more robust EU farm policy


More support for those who apply climate- and environmentally-friendly practices Annual direct payments capped at €100 000, more support for SMEs Tailor-made measures to help farmers deal with crises Higher sanctions when someone repeatedly infringes rules, e.g. on environment or animal welfare The EU’s future farm policy should be more flexible, sustainable, and crisis-resilient, so


Emerging and Frontier Markets: Policy Tools in Times of Financial Stress


After the unprecedented hit to economic activity in emerging market economies from the COVID-19 pandemic, their economic output is projected to shrink by 3.3 percent in 2020. Central banks across emerging markets responded swiftly and forcefully with an unprecedented response of their own. They did this by using a variety of policy tools and, to a
