Global Economy - Page 30

The latest Economy News from the American Stock News: breaking news on the global economy and international investments

ADB Endorses New 5-Year Partnership Strategy for Maldives


The Asian Development Bank (ADB) has endorsed a new 5-year country partnership strategy (CPS) for Maldives covering 2020–2024. A roadmap for ADB operations in Maldives, the CPS will support the country to take on a more resilient, sustainable, and inclusive path for development, and emerge stronger from the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) pandemic. Under the CPS,


Europe Needs to Maintain Strong Policy Support to Sustain the Recovery


The pandemic is exacting a heavy toll on Europe. More than 240,000 people have lost their lives. Millions have suffered the illness themselves, the loss of loved ones, or major disruption in their work, their businesses, and their daily lives. The economic impact of the pandemic has been enormous. Our latest Regional Economic Outlook for Europe forecasts


Agencies issue final rule to strengthen resilience of large banks – Us Federal Reserve Bank


The federal bank regulatory agencies on Tuesday finalized a rule strengthening the resilience of large banks by requiring them to maintain a minimum level of stable funding over a one-year period. The net stable funding ratio, or NSFR, final rule will require large banks to maintain a minimum level of stable funding, relative to each


EU job-search aid worth €2 million for 500 former shipbuilding workers in Spain


Redundancies in the sectors ancillary to shipbuilding in the Spanish region of Galicia EU to co-fund career guidance, job search support, training, and tutoring and guidance after finding another job Galicia’s shipbuilding industry hit hard by increased global competition Former shipbuilding workers from Galicia will receive €2,054,400 in EU aid to help them re-integrate into
