Georgian shepherd
Georgian shepherd

50 Most Popular Dog Breeds, Ranked

If you’re thinking about getting a dog, there are a lot of factors and choices to consider. From rescues to purebreds and everything in between, there is a dog out there for everyone, and many need a loving home that they can call their own.


45. Shiba Inu


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This Japanese breed has been featured in many memes and continues to grow in popularity. Alert, expressive and highly intelligent, these sturdy pups are bold, confident and friendly and a great addition to any family. 

Shibas are built for an active lifestyle, so make sure yours gets plenty of exercise. 

Shiba Inu Summary


Shiba Inu Overview

Temperament: Alert, Active, Attentive

Height: 14.5-16.5 inches (male), 13.5-15.5 inches (female)

Weight: 23 pounds (male), 17 pounds (female)

Life Expectancy: 13-16 years

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