american - Page 11

1443 result(s) found.

Nearly 9 Million Uninsured Americans Could Get Free or Subsidized Health Insurance if the Biden Administration Re-Opens ACA Marketplace Enrollment in Response to COVID-19


Four million uninsured people could get an ACA bronze plan with no premium payment and 4.9 million others could get subsidies to offset the cost of such a plan if the Biden Administration were to re-open ACA marketplace enrollment, a KFF analysis finds.


Biden-won counties are home to 67 million more Americans than Trump-won counties


Joe Biden is stepping into his role as the nation’s 46th president with a contentious political environment and a deeply divided electorate. Some of Biden’s detractors point to his razor-thin wins over Donald Trump in several battleground states as evidence that his November victory was far from dominant, despite the fact that Biden won the

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