Police - Page 50

518 result(s) found.

Independent UN rights experts urge Thai government to allow peaceful protests


In a statement, the independent rights experts called for an end to a crackdown on peaceful protests. “The imposition of a state of emergency is the latest in a series of draconian measures aimed at stifling peaceful demonstrations and criminalizing dissenting voices”, they said.  Urging authorities to allow students, human rights defenders and others to protest in a peaceful manner, the UN experts called


Nigeria: Bachelet condemns army killings, calls for “root and branch” reform of the security forces


The UN High Commissioner for Human Rights Michelle Bachelet on Wednesday strongly condemned the use of excessive and disproportionate force by Nigerian armed forces in Lagos on Tuesday evening. She called on the Nigerian authorities to take urgent steps to deal decisively with the underlying problem of persistent violations committed by the security forces, and
