Trump confident of outperforming 2016 electoral college haul, claims 'solid chance of winning, BUT... - American Stock News


Trump confident of outperforming 2016 electoral college haul, claims ‘solid chance of winning, BUT…

On Tuesday, November 3, Donald Trump spoke to ‘Fox & Friends’ via phone and said he will only declare he has won “when there's a victory”. Not just that, he also claimed that he will have another four years to run the country as he will get more Electoral College votes than in 2016.


“So my number last time was 306. I ended up with 306, that was good numbers – 223-306. And that was a big number. And I think we will top it. I’ll leave it at that. I think we’ll top it,” the president told the ‘Fox & Friends’ panel.

As per Cook Political Report, currently 163 Electoral College votes are in the name of Trump out of those states that are solid – likely and lean Republican. If the Republican leader manages to get all of the Electoral College votes of the states, his total would be 248. So, for victory, Trump would reportedly need to get 58 votes in his favor from solid states – likely or lean Democrats – so that he could reach the edge he won at four years ago.

Trump won a surprise victory in 2016 against Democrat Hillary Clinton, pushed across the 270-vote Electoral College threshold by upset wins in Wisconsin, Michigan and Pennsylvania. Although the president won 306 electoral votes in 2016, he technically received only 304 thanks to two so-called faithless electors who refused to cast their electoral votes for Trump.

He also ultimately lost the popular vote to Clinton by almost 3 million votes.

Public polling for Trump’s reelection bid shows him trailing Democratic nominee Joe Biden in the three Great Lakes states that powered his 2016 victory. But the president remains within striking distance in all three, as he also does in Sun Belt swing states like Georgia, Florida, Arizona and North Carolina.

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During an interview with ‘Fox & Friends’, when one of the hosts, Steve Doocy, asked Trump, “at what point will you declare victory,” he said, “When there’s victory. I think we’ll have victory. But only when there’s victory. I mean, there’s no reason to play games. And I think we’ll have victory. I look at it as being a very solid chance of winning. I don’t know what the chances are – I don’t know how they rate the chances but I think we have a very solid chance of winning.”

Meanwhile, on Sunday, November 1, a report by The Axios stated that Trump privately discussed in delta plans that on November 3, he would go to the podium to declare his victory even before official Electoral College results are out. But the POTUS denied the claims as he said, “No, no that was a false report” while landing in North Carolina for his rally, The Daily Mail reported.

Also, on Tuesday, Trump proudly spoke about his hectic campaign schedule. He has reportedly held fourteen rallies in three days. He said, “There was no small event – every place, no matter where we went. I really did six yesterday. Because the one from the day before went until two in the morning. So then I got up and did one at 8:00 a.m.”

A number of people reacted to Biden and Trump’s routine on the election day as one wrote, “This morning Joe Biden went to the cemetary and to church to kick off Election Day. Trump went to the fridge for his leftover Micky D’s and to sit on the toilet twiddling his Tweety thumbs.” A second user said: “I’m not religious, but the fact that #Biden went to church and visited his son’s grave this morning hits you right in the feels. Let’s finish this folks. #BidenHarris2020 #ElectionDay.”

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