Donald Trump - Page 7

301 result(s) found.

Trump Allies Are Pushing #SharpieGate Conspiracy Theory To Claim Election Theft


The theory, trending as #SharpieGate on social media, appears to have first emerged in Arizona and has since spread to parts of Pennsylvania. The claims are untrue: Election officials in both states have confirmed that Sharpies are an acceptable writing instrument for filling out ballots and that ballots are not being rejected due to Sharpie


Trump – Error Twit


A map of voting in Michigan from earlier in the night - which shows a sudden increase of around 130,000 votes for Joe Biden, but none for Donald Trump - has gone viral on social media.


Trump claims victory with many states still undeclared, hints at possible Supreme Court case. Biden campaign calls Trump’s false victory claim ‘outrageous’ as US awaits election result


President Trump declared victory in multiple key battleground states early Wednesday, even though it remained unclear who had the votes to win, as Trump hinted the White House would push the Supreme Court to rule over disputed ballots, warning that a “very sad group of people” was trying to “disenfranchise” voters.


Putting America First – President Trump on China


For decades, Donald J. Trump was one of the few prominent Americans to recognize the true nature of the Chinese Communist Party and its threat to America’s economic and political way of life. Now, under President Trump’s leadership, the United States is taking action to protect our nation and its partners from an increasingly assertive

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