Bosnia and Herzegovina

Covid-19 crisis threatens 250.000 workers jobs in Bosnia and Herzegovina


The coronavirus pandemic is taking a heavy toll on Bosnia and Herzegovina. “245,000 workers are at immediate risk because of the characteristics of their jobs”, according to a new joint study by the International Labour Organization (ILO) and the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) published today.


OSCE closely looking at risks of trafficking faced by asylum-seekers and migrants transiting through Bosnia and Herzegovina


The current situation of 8,000 asylum seekers and migrants in Bosnia and Herzegovina, was the focus of a series of virtual meetings, concluded on 25 March 2021, ahead of the field visit of Valiant Richey, OSCE Special Representative and Co-ordinator for Combating Trafficking in Human Beings and Margareta Cederfelt, OSCE Parliamentary Assembly Vice-President/Chair of the


Joint Statement of OSCE Mission to Bosnia and Herzegovina, OHR, Embassies of USA, UK and Embassy of Sweden in BiH, as chair of OSCE


The OSCE Mission to Bosnia and Herzegovina, the Office of the High Representative (OHR), the Embassies of the US and UK, and the Embassy of Sweden in BiH, as chair of the OSCE, welcome the decision of the Central Election Commission to annul the elections in several polling stations in Doboj and Srebrenica, having detected
