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438 result(s) found.


Donald Trump fought the establishment—and won


Donald J. Trump won the presidency by challenging both the Republican and Democrat Party establishments. For too long, the political class—including party leaders, paid consultants, lobbyists, donor-funded think tanks, partisan media, and more—ignored the concerns of millions of working- and middle-class American families.


President Trump Takes Action to Modernize America’s Water Resource Management and Infrastructure


To address America’s challenges, President Trump takes a common sense, straightforward approach. Rather than following bureaucratic, outdated, and inefficient processes, President Trump takes action to drive decision making that achieves practical results. This includes changing the Federal Government’s approach to managing our Nation’s water resources.


President Donald J. Trump Approves Louisiana Emergency Declaration


Today, President Donald J. Trump declared that an emergency exists in the State of Louisiana and ordered Federal assistance to supplement State, tribal, and local response efforts due to the emergency conditions resulting from Tropical Storm Zeta beginning on October 26, 2020, and continuing.


President Donald J. Trump Announces Judicial Nominees


President Donald J. Trump announced his intent to nominate: Thomas L. Kirsch II, of Indiana, to serve as Circuit Judge on the United States Court of Appeals for the Seventh Circuit Thomas Kirsch is the United States Attorney for the Northern District of Indiana, where he serves as the chief Federal law enforcement officer for


Democrats want to abolish ICE. President Trump wants to help ICE abolish human trafficking.


In 2018 alone, more than 23,000 human trafficking victims were identified in the United States. Of these victims, 65% were women. More than 1 in 5 were children. It’s a “level of evil that you would never believe is even possible in a modern age,” President Trump said in January. “The level of evil is incredible.” President Trump


President Trump’s America first agenda has reversed the failures of the Obama-Biden administration


President Trump has delivered for American workers by renegotiating bad trade deals, slashing taxes and red tape, and overseeing strong economic growth. In contrast, Joe Biden has embraced the socialist policies of his party’s far-left base, including a $4 trillion tax hike and his version of the radical Green New Deal. Representative Jim Jordan (OH-04) and

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