coronavirus pandemic - Page 17

Coronavirus: EU interoperability gateway for contact tracing and warning apps – Questions and Answers


Index Using coronavirus tracing and warning apps In case of a notification EU interoperability gateway: contact tracing across borders Privacy and security App usage information Using coronavirus tracing and warning apps What is a coronavirus tracing and warning app? Most public health authorities in the EU have developed apps that support contact tracing and warning


Team Europe: The European Union disburses €25 million to mitigate the effects of the coronavirus crisis in The Gambia


Today, the European Union disbursed €25 million of budget support for The Gambia's response to the coronavirus pandemic. As part of the Team Europe global package, these funds contribute to the recovery from the pandemic and also support the transition towards democracy and medium-term development objectives.


Malaysia’s debt is rising with the Coronavirus pandemic


The debt to GDP ratio is going up in Malaysia. In August the parliament of Malaysia voted for an allowance to borrow 60% of its GDP as a part of temporary measures to ease the crisis of pandemic on business. As for now, the economical situation in the country is no petter so it is


A new study shows COVID-19 may cause brain disorders even in people with mild coronavirus symptoms


Preliminary clinical data indicate that severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus infection is associated with neurological and neuropsychiatric illness. A new study shows that some coronavirus patientssuffered either temporary brain dysfunction, strokes, nerve damage or other serious brain effects. Another dozen patients observed in the study had swelling in their central nervous systems.
