How to earn during a pandemic? Additional income sources to earn from our readers. - American Stock News


How to earn during a pandemic? Additional income sources to earn from our readers.

The pandemic has proven that earning money at home is not a myth, not a fairy tale, and not an opportunity only for the elite. This is an opportunity for everyone. While some work a lot, grabbing for any part-time jobs and trying to somehow make ends meet, others earn and even quit their main job.


We decided to interview our readers who were able to support themselves in the conditions of the pandemic and self-isolation. Based on survey results, we identified 3 main ways to earn money. Among them: buying stocks (shares), buying gold, and doing a part-time jobs on freelance platforms.

Share purchases 

There is a long-term purchase of shares, which are purchased for at least a couple of years (2-5-10 years). You buy them and don’t touch them at all. Usually, such shares do not have much change in price. You can’t earn a lot on them at once, they grow gradually and slowly, so they are bought for a long time. There are also stocks that have sharp jumps in price. For example, today these shares may be worth $200, and tomorrow $350. But the opposite also applicable — with $ 200, there may be $100 or even $0. Speculators earn money on such shares. They buy cheap, sell at a higher price within one or a couple of days, making money on the difference. Here is important to understand analytics, to be able to notice stock price`s peak points and anticipate their fall, and also you should be constantly involved in this. A very big risk if you have no experience in this. Even experienced players lose money on the stock exchanges.

Gold purchases

It is generally believed that it is difficult to make money on buying and selling gold, since investing in precious metals requires significant investments. But in fact, there is an profitable opportunities with a small amount of investment. Buying gold gives you the opportunity to save and increase your savings. Over the past two decades, its value has been steadily increasing. Gold prices vary widely. The cost depends on the form in which the precious metal is presented. Items familiar to us like jewelry, ingots, investments or rare coins. In this form, the gold value will be very high. By buying gold, you will invest your money, but to earn on it, you will need to sell this gold.

To help people who want to make money buying and selling gold, there is the Gold Bar Sale company. The company helps its clients to buy gold at a discount of up to 50%, it has been operating since 2010, and all Gold Bar Sale investors buy gold at competitive prices. 

Also, an important part is that the Gold Bar Sale will help you sell your gold almost at market prices. You can do all this within one or several days. The Gold Bar Sale has been in this market for over eight years. Tens of thousands of investors work with it. Most people who want to earn money by buying and selling gold work only with the Gold Bar Sale company. For this, there is no need to have any professional skills and there are no risks. You, as an entrepreneur, will buy gold cheaper and sell it more expensive.

Freelance Exchange Platforms

On the Internet, there are many specialized services where employers post work for which they do not have specialists or a one-time job, and they do not keep a specialist on the staff, and this is a good opportunity to earn money. Jobs can be different: from simple courier services to professional work with websites, processing photos or text translations to the different languages. It is difficult to earn good money on such services if you do not have certain skills.

A person without skills can deliver something, reprint something, call and collect some information. Such low-skilled jobs tend to be cheaply paid. But there is also another difficulty that novice performers face, it is that employers preferentially choose performers with experience, with a rating, and it will be difficult for beginners to get orders at first. You also need to look for bona fide employers who, based on the results of their work, will pay you back.

Based on all this, we recommend you not to waste your time doing work that is not paid enough. Do not take risks and save your savings by working with professionals.

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