
Joe Biden and those around him believe today is the day they move forward and accept victory.

However, the former vice president is looking beyond the drama of election vote-counting and towards a transition.


Biden is taking a more patient stance than many Democrats surrounding him, a close ally tells CNN. He knows that these next days are critical to his remarkably difficult challenge of trying to unify the country.

He’s a “traditionalist,” in the words of one ally.

Biden rejected advice from some advisers and supporters to deliver his big victory speech last night — instead choosing to deliver another brief set of remarks.

UPDATE: Joe Biden: Presidency for all American

Aides say the coronavirus crisis is occupying the majority of his time, and to look for announcements on that front to be among his first.

They say has no plans of announcing Cabinet nominations for a few weeks, but to look for a far earlier announcement on the Biden version of a Covid-19 taskforce.

While Joe Biden has “consistently exceeded the numbers in any county, even in the red counties where President Trump is winning,” John King explained why CNN has not projected the state of Pennsylvania.

“At some point, the trajectory gets you past any probability that the President of the United States is going to come back. And for those who say, ‘Well, you’re already at that point, the President is attacking this process. We have our own rules, we have our own process, but especially when the process is under attack, sticking to the rules, using your building blocks, methodically getting to the finish line and being cautious is a great way to do it,” King said.
“We completely get the frustration and the anticipation out there. It’s just important to have rules and not bend them, especially at a time, the integrity of the system is being unfairly attacked by the candidate, who, if he loses this state, is a one-term President,” King added.

A Philadelphia city official told that 2,000 to 3,000 more ballots should be counted by noon ET today.

Mail-in ballots have overwhelmingly skewed Democratic, and Biden leads Trump by more than 28,000 votes right now.

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