
The Strength of Determination: An Experienced Woman For a Position That Demands The Best: Naomi Blemur


The United States is at a crossroad. Political polarization has become the name of the game as people are divided. The American people have been through many crises and now are faced with an impending recession that threatens the hard-won recovery that has been achieved since  COVID Pandemic began.

The Inflation caused by the pandemic and other economic factors demands a leader that is capable of weathering the storm and bringing their constituency through. Naomi Esther Blemur will do just that as the Commissioner of Agriculture and Consumer Services 

Naomi cares deeply about the farmers and farm workers in Florida. The lifeblood of Florida, agriculture, is something that is deeply rooted in American society. However as modern technology has continued to evolve, these farmers that have been the bedrock of society have found themselves increasingly marginalized or outright forgotten by the nation that they have supported for so long. 

Naomi sees this as a terrible failing and wants to address the concerns of the farmers and work to bring them the resources that they need. With a shifting climate and an economy in turmoil, these efforts will be more important than ever. Farmers deserve support and as the Agricultural Commissioner, she is determined to bring them that support. Her efforts are not simply dedicated towards recognizing their plight but are actively working to address present and future issues. 

The last few years have proven that there are issues in the infrastructure and electrical set-ups of Florida. The severe supply chain issues have made it exceedingly difficult to reliably get petroleum from overseas and the surge in prices has made farmers reach dire straits that seem endless. Furthermore, the changing climate has made it harder than ever to run a successful farm, to know wonder. 

How can a farmer plant their crops when the rain never comes in certain parts of Florida and the plants grow stunted and malformed? How can they harvest when the fuel for the machines is so expensive that they cannot afford to rent them? Where is the prosperity when the government seems to ignore their woes and the heat burns the crops on the vine?

It is thoughts like this that go through Naomi’s mind as she prepares for what initiatives must be pursued if she becomes the commissioner. Clean, renewable energy is an answer to many of these problems in her mind, and to this end, she has thrown her support behind these renewable energy projects. It is her desire that these initiatives become the standard operating procedure of agricultural development and that they provide security and stability through the coming years.

Water is another chief concern for Naomi, as we have seen firsthand the effects of the long-winded droughts that have come with the shifting climates. Once seen as a factor of everyday life, having clean water is now a struggle for many people to sustain. Naomi believes that in conjunction with the clean power initiatives, more steps can be taken to ensure that every farmer and indeed all citizens of Florida are able to have easy access to pure water. 

Naomi Blemur is a Democrat who has not forgotten the people. She seeks her position because she knows it is the best way to help the state she holds dear. The marginalized groups that are worried about the future need someone like Naomi, someone who remembers and fights for them no matter what may come across their desks. 

When it comes down to it, Naomi is someone who will do all of this and more. Instead of taking the easy way, she will fight for those in need and will do whatever she can to ensure that every worker, every farmer, and every citizen has what they need to live a prosperous life. 

About Naomi: Naomi Blemur has been a businesswoman, a banker, an accountant, a minister, an advocate, and now a leader. She has a bachelor’s degree from the Cuny University of New York and has been working for the Democratic Party of Florida in various roles for several years. Her positions include being a member of the Democratic Executive Committee, a Commissioner on the North Miami Planning Commission, and a member of the North Miami Community Redevelopment Advisory Committee. Naomi is running as a strong Democrat who will advocate for small farmers, clean water, renewable and sustainable energy, and to ensure equitable access to all the resources of the Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services.

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