OSCE - Page 4


Role of community policing in preventing drug use among young people focus of OSCE-wide conference in Vienna next Tuesday


Effective measures to prevent drug use among youth through approaches such as community policing are the focus of this year's annual OSCE-wide Conference on Combating the Threat of Illicit Drugs and the Diversion of Chemical Precursors. The Conference will take place on Tuesday, 6 October in Vienna's Hofburg for OSCE delegations and online via Zoom


ODIHR opens election observation mission in the United States


WASHINGTON D.C., 30 September 2020 – The OSCE Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights (ODIHR) today opened an election observation mission for the 3 November general elections in the United States, following an invitation from the national authorities. As one of the OSCE’s 57 participating States, the United States has committed itself to conducting
