
Germany’s top 10 online stores


In terms of first-party sales, amazon.de remains Germany’s top store, followed by otto.de and zalando.de

Statista has been cooperating with EHI Retail Institute to track the development of Germany’s biggest online stores since 2009. For the 13th time in a row this October, the joint study “E-Commerce-Markt Deutschland 2021” (eCommerce Market Germany 2021) identifies the leading online stores by online revenues.1 The ecommerceDB news are presenting today the exclusive top 10 ranking of the brand-new edition of “E-Commerce-Markt Deutschland”:

With total first-party net sales of €13.9 billion generated in Germany in 2020, amazon.de is by far Germany’s biggest online store.

Considering its first-party business, the German Amazon store generates more than three times the net sales amount of second-placed generalist otto.de. otto.de for its part leads again by a great margin over the number 3 in the ranking – the fashion store zalando.de. With 2020 net sales of €4.5 billion, otto.de generated a net sales amount more than twice as high as zalando.de. The electronics retailer mediamarkt.de follows in rank 4, with a tiny net sales gap of around €100 million behind third-placed zalando.de.

Ranks 5 to 10 are close together with 2020 total net sales between €713 million and €1.1 billion. When comparing the current top 10 with last year’s leading stores, there are similarities and differences. The first fact to note is that the top 4 remain unchanged and still lead by quite a margin over ranks 5 to 10. mediamarkt.de, however, was able to close the gap on zalando.de – in the 2020 ranking, zalando.de still lead by almost €500 million in net sales over mediamarkt.de, a gap which shrank to around €100 million in the current ranking. notebooksbilliger.de – which was still in rank 5 in the 2020 ranking – lost 4 places and is currently in rank 9 with 2020 net sales of €818 million. saturn.de – a direct competitor to notebooksbilliger.de – moved up to settle in rank 5. ikea.com and hm.com are new to the German top 10, currently in ranks 8 and 10, respectively, pushing bonprix.de and cyberport.de out of the top 10.

1: The ranking of the biggest online stores by first-party net sales also includes hybrid marketplaces, which generate first-party sales in addition to their marketplace model. Sales amounts of hybrid marketplaces appearing in this ranking only include first-party net sales.

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