
Deutsche Post DHL Group ascends into Europe’s leading blue-chip index, STOXX Europe 50

The shares of Deutsche Post AG will be listed in the European blue-chip index STOXX Europe 50 with effect from 20 September 2021.


Bonn – Deutsche Post DHL Group was informed yesterday evening by Qontigo, financial market services provider and subsidiary of Deutsche Börse AG, that the shares of Deutsche Post AG will be listed in the European blue-chip index STOXX Europe 50 with effect from 20 September 2021. Thus, Deutsche Post DHL Group is currently the only logistics service provider in Europe’s leading mixed-currency index.

“The logistics industry has made a valuable contribution to society during pandemic times. In recent months, we have successfully managed to cope with increased shipment volumes in e-commerce, supplied the world with vaccines and helped the global economy to recover by powering global trade.

The inclusion of Deutsche Post DHL Group [Deutsche Post AG] in the STOXX Europe 50 is a remarkable recognition of the outstanding performance of our Group based on the dedicated work of 570,000 employees worldwide,” said CEO Frank Appel.

The STOXX Europe 50 consists of the fifty most valuable listed companies in Europe. The index was established in 1998 and is regarded as an important indicator of the performance of the European stock market.

The STOXX Europe 50 is one of the world’s leading underlyings for exchange-traded funds (ETFs), futures, options and structured products. The composition of the members is reviewed annually. The basis for the inclusion is the market capitalization of the free float based on the closing prices at the end of August.

After shares of Deutsche Post AG traded at an issue price of EUR 21.00 at the time of its IPO around 21 years ago and succeeded in moving up to the EURO STOXX 50 8 years ago, the share price has risen to EUR 59.58 (closing price as at August 31, 2021). Accordingly, market capitalization has almost tripled since the IPO to around EUR 74 billion.

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