Gela Labadze

Construction Materials Company Speckomforti Enters New Stage of Development, Plans to Add up to 20 New Products

Georgian construction materials company Speckomforti, founded back in 2015 with the support of the Produce in Georgia Programme, is moving to a new stage of its development, which will cover the upgrade of a plant with new and innovative French machinery and equipment.


In September 2021, the company will push forward with a third stage of its development and will invite French and Turkish experts to carry out the technical work and put the upgraded plant into operation.

The technical upgrade will lead to an increase in products and employees.

Speckomforti, which currently employs 65 professionals, has plans to add 20 new products in terms of design, colour and size and increase the number of employees by at least 15.

Executive Director of Speckomforti Gela Labadze told Golden Brand that invited specialists will retrain the new employees.

“In the upgraded plant we have plans to produce a European standard paving stone ‘Colormix’- which allows the use of four colours on a single tile. We also plan to produce facade tiles which are in high demand and which will be in line with top European standards. Speckomforti products will have a universal commodity code (barcode) that will enable us to export them. We are negotiating with neighbouring countries for this,” Labadze said.

Currently the company offers European standard vibropress products like paving slabs, building blocks, drainage canals and curbs, with a combination of different texture, design, size and color and with a full guarantee of frost resistance.

Initially Speckomforti was present only in Tbilisi. However, due to the high demand for its products, shortly after its foundation, the company opened a new, European-standard plant in the village of Tseronavi.

The company service and delivery capacity fully covers the entire territory of Georgia.

“Our products are in high demand because they are distinguished by high resistance, precision, resistance to frost. Making such products is possible through using only ecologically clean materials, complete adherence to the technological process and systematic control,” Labadze says.

Currently the company is equipped with modern Spanish-Turkish machinery which was put into operation by the suppliers themselves.

The suppliers also retrainmed the personnel.

Speckomforti consumers include state tender winner companies, road companies, developers and individuals.

“Our products are available for everyone who is interested in them,” Labadze stated.

Q. Do you have large, loyal consumers?

A. We have been cooperating with many large companies in the construction and road infrastructure fields. We have been dealing with them for years. The companies include Anagi, Archi Group, Geopark, Element Construction, Hausart, Unix Development and others.

Q. How affordable is the price for your products?

A. Prices for our products are really affordable. We produce high quality products which are in full line with top European standards, while price, compared with other companies, is lower. Consumers choose our products because of their high quality, nice look and a low price.

Moreover, we are always trying to consider consumers’ wishes and desires and offer special promotions and discounts. Recently, taking the season into account, we have offered products for yards and flower-beds at a 20 per cent discount and we have received very positive feedback.

Q. How competitive is the market?

A. The market of vibropress construction materials has become more competitive due to the demand for the products. However, competition is a high motivation for progress and development. It pushes for continuous monitoring of quality, introducing innovations and ensuring a better service. Our advantage is that we never stop, we always develop.

Q. What was the pandemic’s impact on the company?

A. Although the company has not stopped working during the pandemic, it has had an impact on us. Speckomforti turnover decreased about 15-20%. The coronavirus restrictions and curfew particularly affected us because we had to decrease working hours. We had to increase the price of building blocks. For other products, we retained the previous price, of course, at the expense of company income. The increase in the price of raw materials and electricity led to an increase for the price of blocks.

Q. Congratulations on receiving the Golden Brand. Can you name the specific activities of 2020 that have brought you this award?

A.First of all I would like to thank Golden Brand, the public and experts for such appreciation and trust.

We were engaged in various activities in 2020. I will single out one of them. Speckomforti materials were used for facing works of Batumi UEFA IV category football stadium which is designed for 20,000 spectators.

We also introduced a ‘special service’ for consumers which covers planning and designing, soil processing of squares, sidewalks, parking lots, yards using all necessary equipment, as well as construction of pavements, curbs and grilles with our own products and full warranty.

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