David Lee Roth

Rock legend David Lee Roth announces retirement from music


Rock legend David Lee Roth has announced that he is stepping back from his prolific music career.

The musician’s retirement announcement came a year after his bandmate, Eddie Van Halen, died of cancer in October 2020.

The former Van Halen vocalist said he will be “throwing in the shoes” in January after doing his last five concerts at the House of Blues Mandalay Bay, Las Vegas.

‘I am throwing in the shoes. I’m retiring. This is the first, and only, official announcement. You’ve got the news. Share it with the world. I’m not going to explain the statement. The explanation is in a safe. These are my last five shows,” Roth told Las Vegas Review-Journal.

The singer’s retirement announcement comes almost a year after Van Halen co-founder and guitarist Eddie Van Halen died from cancer at age 65.

The Van Halen hitmaker will bid adieu to the world of rock ‘n’ roll with five solo shows at House of Blues at Mandalay Bay starting from New Year’s Eve to Saturday, January 8.

David Lee Roth announced his retirement from rock 'n' roll

Roth, 67, said he has been contemplating ‘the departure of my beloved classmate recently” and is “encouraged and compelled to really come to grips with how short time is, and my time is probably even shorter.”

“I thought I might have been the first, frankly. And my doctors, my handlers, compelled me to really address that every time I go onstage, I endanger that future,” he added.
Roth also revealed that the original Van Halen drummer Alex Van Halen will be part of his band for the final five dates in January.

With Roth as the lead vocalist, iconic rock band Van Halen released its self-titled debut album in 1978. Roth left the group in mid 1980s with Sammy Hagar replacing him as the lead singer. There first studio album with Hagar was ‘5150’ and the group followed it up with ‘OU812,’ ‘For Unlawful Carnal Knowledge’ and ‘Balance.’

Confirming his retirement, David told the Las Vegas Review-Journal: “I am throwing in the shoes. I’m retiring. This is the first – and only – official announcement.

“You’ve got the news. Share it with the world. I’m not going to explain the statement. The explanation is in a safe. These are my last five shows.”

Who is David Lee Roth?

David is est known for his lead singer role in the rock band, Van Halen, and his energetic presence on stage.

He met the Van Halen brothers while he attended Pasadena City College. David joined their band, which was called Mammoth, before the band changed its name to Van Halen.

After gaining traction in the Los Angeles area and releasing their debut album called Van Halen in 1978, the band became nationally known.

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