Deutsche Telekom showcases second cards as a token of love

Deutsche Telekom will launch its new advertising campaign on February 11, 2021.


It revolves around the benefits of Deutsche Telekom’s second cards on the biggest and best 5G network. 

The campaign is split into two phases: the first phase, starting on February 11, is a Valentine’s Day commercial tailored to partners. In the second phase starting on March 1, another campaign video turns second cards into a family affair. The spots will feature on tactical and digital media.

The “Token of love” Valentine’s Day commercial invites couples to relax on the sofa
Starting today, Telekom is showing how seemingly unromantic second cards and love go hand-in-hand with a Valentine’s Day commercial. You see a sofa, five real couples in separate interviews, all kinds of cheery relationship banter – then you hear a question off-camera: “Hand on heart, are you ready to share a cell phone contract?” The surprising turn of events flusters the couples. Their reaction is heart-warmingly spontaneous and genuine. 

Deutsche Telekom shows how the five couples respond and who is ready for a serious commitment in this TV commercial and on various social media platforms online. DDB came up with the idea of turning second cards into the ultimate token of love. The Valentine’s Day commercial was directed by Julia Mücke.

Get your sweetheart on the biggest and best 5G network with second cards
The Valentine’s Day spot “Token of love” focused on partners will be followed by the “Comparisons” commercial from March 1. 

“Families are central to social cohesion. We support all forms of family,” says Christian Loefert, Head of Communications and Sales Marketing at Telekom Deutschland. “MagentaEINS and MagentaMobil customers can use second cards to bring their loved ones onto the biggest and best 5G network and save their family money at the same time.” They can also pass on the price advantage to family members, relatives, friends, or their partners.

Whether it’s children and teenagers, parents or couples: the offer makes sense for all sorts of constellations. With many Telekom second cards, you can save up to 240 euros over the entire contract period, starting from as little as 19.95 euros per month. MagentaEINS customers also benefit from double their originally contracted data volume per month – even for second cards.

The company offers customers a total of four second cards that they can add to their main Magenta contract. These include the Family Card S-XL, Family Card Kids & Teens, CombiCard Data, and the CombiCard Smart Connect.

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