Tamar Bakuradze

Radio Maestro Expands its Lineup With New Programs


Radio holding 94.7 FM continues to offer new programs to its listeners. Radio Consultation, Phone Interview and Secret Special Services are new programs in the Radio Maestro lineup that have already grabbed listeners’ interest, says Tamar Bakuradze, head of the marketing department at Radio Maestro.

“Radio Consultation is a joint project of the private sector and Radio Maestro, intended to give competent advice to listeners from across different business sectors, such as consumer rights, finance, law, education, and others. In short, the program acts as a kind of advisor to the listener on various topics and important issues.

“Phone Interview allowed us to carry Radio Maestro’s name outside of Georgia. For example, we are actively conducting telephone interviews about the war started by Russia in Ukraine with officials, ambassadors and experts from Ukraine and other countries.

“And on Secret Special Services, you will hear about secret stories from different countries about previously unknown facts”, Bakuradze said.

Q. In your opinion, how is Radio Maestro positioned today in the market and how would you like to develop it?

A. This year is the eleventh anniversary of Radio Maestro. During all these years we have been writing a story every day, the story of Radio Maestro. We continue to create our own success story. If we look back over the years, of course there were many challenges, including the coronavirus pandemic and the Russia-Ukraine war, but with teamwork and the ability to adapt to the new reality we’ve able to build on our success.

Development is an ongoing process, and our focus is increasing the number of listeners. We plan to achieve this goal by refining existing projects and offering new projects. We believe that success lies in development.

As for the first part of your question, unfortunately there is no reliable radio ratings research, which would allow us to provide exact info on our station’s position on the market. However, based on internal ratings, such as interactive programs on ‘People’s Opinion’, ‘Maestro Business Time’, and ‘Maestro Anatomy’, I can confidently say that listener engagement is very high. Radio Maestro is the only radio with 24/7 broadcasting, which enables the listener to be continuously informed about ongoing events in the country and abroad.

In addition, you know that our holding also includes Radio Vinyl and Mshvidi Radio (Quiet Radio). Radio Vinyl is the station for music lovers and features subtle music. As for Mshvidi Radio, it offers quiet, pleasant music. After all, peace is what we need most in this tense environment.

Q. Radio Maestro has been a supporter of the Golden Brand award for years. What determines your loyal partnership and how much do you agree with the results of the survey and the winners?

A. Yes, we have been working with the Golden Brand award for years. This cooperation has grown into a friendship and a kind of tradition. Within the event, a space is created which enables business communication with existing and potential partners. Over the years, the number of companies identified by the Golden Brand survey has been growing. These are companies distinguished by popularity, quality, and various social responsibilities, which confirms the reliability of the survey.

Q. How does Radio Maestro support businesses in Georgia?

A. Maintaining and deepening existing business relations and establishing new business relationships is one of the most important objectives for us. If you look at most of our radio holding projects, most are tailored to business demand and support. Business has always been a priority for us. I will name Maestro Business Time and Maestro Anatomy as an example of how our radio strives to support businesses. These programs have stood by the business community for years and on these shows we talk about their successes, challenges and important issues.

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