Hollywood's 100 Favorite Films - Page 10 of 100 - American Stock News

Pulp Fiction

Hollywood’s 100 Favorite Films


91/100 Rocky

United Artists/Courtesy Neal Peters Collection Stallone wrote the script’s first draft in just three days, then refused to sell it unless he was cast in the lead role. See the box office totals, famous quotes and more .Director: John G. Avildsen Cast: Sylvester Stallone, Talia Shire, Burt Young, Burgess Meredith, Carl Weathers Domestic lifetime gross (adjusted for inflation, 2014): $438,118,200 Famous quote: “Yo, Adrian! It’s me, Rocky.” — Rocky Stallone wrote the script’s first draft in just three days, then refused to sell it unless he was cast in the lead role.

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