Hollywood's 100 Favorite Films - Page 56 of 100 - American Stock News

Pulp Fiction

Hollywood’s 100 Favorite Films


45/100 Titanic

Paramount Pictures/Courtesy Neal Peters Collection Both were the biggest of their day (882 feet for the vessel; $200 million for the film). But the boat sank, while the film went on to become the second-largest grosser in history (after Avatar). See the box office totals, famous quotes and more. Director: James Cameron Cast: Leonardo DiCaprio, Kate Winslet Domestic lifetime gross (adjusted for inflation, 2014): $1,021,633,200Famous quote: “I’ll never let go, Jack. I’ll never let go.” — Rose Both were the biggest of their day (882 feet for the vessel; $200 million for the film). But the boat sank, while the film went on to become the second-largest grosser in history (after Avatar).

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